Sonatrach SeaCorridor

Company and history

Transmed is active in the management and marketing of the transport capacity of the gas pipelines owned by Transmediterranean Pipeline Company Ltd (TMPC), which connect the Trans-Tunisian gas pipeline to the Italian gas pipeline network, from the Cap Bon compressor station, in Tunisia, to the entry point of Mazara del Vallo, in Sicily.


Gas transportation system

The transport system for the import of natural gas from Algeria to Italy connects the Hassi R'mel production wells in the Algerian desert to Snam Rete Gas primary transport network in Italy, crossing Tunisia and the Strait of Sicily. In particular, the TMPC submarine transport system is consisting of five offshore pipelines in the Strait of Sicily.

Corporate Responsibility

Transmed's Corporate Responsibility is expressed in:

  • Principles and values stated within in the Code of Ethics
  • Full compliance with current regulations
  • Constant commitment to promote and enhance the professional skills of its people
  • Behaviour and commitment that Transmed people assume and promote every day in carrying out their work

Transmed has adopted the Code of Ethics and has entrusted the functions of guarantor to its Watch Structure.


Model 231

Legislative Decree 8 June 2001 n. 231 introduced rules and regulations concerning the administrative liability of entities into the Italian legal system.

According to this regulation, companies can be held responsible, and consequently sanctioned, in relation to certain offences committed and attempted in the interest or to the advantage of the company itself by its directors or employees. Companies can, moreover, adopt organization, management, and control models suitable to prevent these offences.

The "Model 231" consists of an organic set of principles, rules, and provisions functional to the creation and management of a control and monitoring system of sensitive activities to prevent the commission of the offences envisaged by Legislative Decree. n. 231 of 2001.

Transmed's "Model 231" was originally drawn up in 2011 and subsequently updated to adapt it to the progressive expansion of the list of offences envisaged in relation to the administrative liability of companies, up to the new formulation approved by the Board of Directors on 9 March 2023.


Transmed ha adottato una Guideline per le segnalazioni, anche in forma anonima, di presunte irregolarità, implementando specifici canali di comunicazione per la loro ricezione. Il personale e le terze parti possono effettuare segnalazioni in forma scritta o orale avente a oggetto informazioni sulle violazioni di cui il segnalante è venuto a conoscenza nell’ambito del contesto lavorativo.

Transmed assicura la ricezione e l’analisi di ogni segnalazione applicando criteri di massima riservatezza idonei, tra l’altro, a tutelare l’onorabilità delle persone segnalate e l’efficacia degli accertamenti, in coerenza alle disposizioni di legge in materia di whistleblowing.

Chiunque riceva una segnalazione al di fuori dei canali previsti provvede a trasmetterla, tempestivamente per il tramite dei canali di comunicazione previsti.

Canali di comunicazione previsti:

  • Piattaforma informatica
  • Incontro diretto con l’Organismo di Vigilanza (OdV) di Transmed

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[SeaCorridor - Sonatrach]

