Administrative Responsibility

Model 231

Italian Legislative Decree 231 of 8 June 2001 introduced rules and regulations concerning the administrative liability of companies.

These rules and regulations state that companies can be held responsible, and consequently subject to sanctions, for any offences committed or attempted in the interests or to the advantage of the company itself by the company's directors or employees. Companies can, therefore, adopt organizational, management and control models ("Model") designed to prevent these offences.

"Model 231" is made up of an organic set of principles, rules and disposition to realize and manage a control and monitoring system on sensitive activities to prevent the commission of crimes foreseen by LD 231/2001.

"Model 231" of Transmed has been firstly adopted on 2009 and subsequently updated in order to extend it to the new type of crimes, added within the time, pursuant to administrative liability of companies; until the new version adopted by Board of Directors Resolution on March 9th, 2023.